Study of the Availability of Alternative Electricity in Communities of Costa do Parú - PA
hard to reach communities, rural electrification, photovoltaic solar energyAbstract
This paper addresses electric power as a relevant factor in the development of a region. For this reason, it highlights the importance of electricity in hard-to-reach communities, since the absence of electricity impacts the economic, social and political aspects. Aiming at rural electrification of low-income and isolated communities, the federal government created the Luz Para Todos program, since access to public energy is the right of the Brazilian citizen and social exclusion is vetoed by existing laws in the country. In this sense, the main objective of this study is to find a possible viable alternative for interconnecting the Costa do Parú communities to the local utility. For this, an analysis of the communities will be done to map the real conditions that portray importance and the necessity of the use of electricity among the families of the community. In addition, a survey will be conducted with the local utility about the Light for All program for the region. A model of photovoltaic system for the region will be elaborated based on surveys made with companies operating in the solar energy area. In the development of the research, it was found the various ways used in the Light for All Program to bring electricity to hard-to-reach regions, as well as the difficulties presented by the community for direct interconnection by the local utility. Relevant results were obtained about the real electric power conditions of the families. Based on this, a photovoltaic system model was designed for a possible LPT project that would meet the local needs of families. It is proposed that the maintenance of the off grid photovoltaic system be carried out by the local power utility.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Caroline Cativo Albuquerque, Livia da Silva Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar
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