The use of BSc with the regulatory perspective for a private higher education institution in Brazil
Strategic Management, Balanced Scorecard, Higher Education RegulationsAbstract
Higher-Education Institutions need to meet the quality requirements required by the Ministry of Education - MEC, which define the criteria that should be included in the HEI Planning. In this way, using the balanced scorecard - BSC model, using the objectives and goals established in the PDI can help the leaders in the strategic management of HEI. Given this, the objective established for this work is to propose a BSC model from the perspective of Regulation for a private HEI. The methodology was qualitative, using the bibliographic research procedure and case study of a private IES in Porto Velho - RO. After the literature review, a fifth perspective for the BSC was developed, which was called the Regulatory Perspective, creating a Strategic Management model for the researched institution, thus improving decision-making processes.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Marcelo Albuquerque de Oliveira, Ana Célia Galdino Leite , Dércio Luiz Reis, Raimundo Kennedy Vieira, Gabriela de Mattos Veroneze

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