Modernization of the Environmental Lighting System of a Manaus City Commercial Business


  • Lessandra da Silva e Silva
  • Ocirema Maria Juca Farias
  • Douglas de Souza Campos
  • Bruno Pereira Gonçalves
  • Rilmar Pereira Gomes
  • David Barbosa de Alencar ITEGAM
  • Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira



Lighting, Workplace, Lighting control, Arduíno


This research aimed to present a brightness control system through the Arduino prototype that will adjust the brightness in the workplace according to the Brazilian norms according to the activities performed and through the literature review point its advantages and benefits to the company. To this end, the following research methodologies were adopted: case study, literature review, quantitative and qualitative analysis. Where illuminance samples were collected in a work environment where they are outside the standard of NBR 8995-1, a fact that has been negatively influencing workers performance and company results, a high level of energy consumption was also detected energy. Thus, based on the literature review on the subject, and the results obtained in the inspection of the illuminance of the work environment, it was possible to present a prototype on the Arduino platform that solved the problem of lighting in the work environment, regarding the quantitative results of the work. Research has proven that with the installation of the prototype in the workplace the energy reduction can vary from 7% to 20% in addition to the reduction of occupational disease costs, and the qualitative results show numerous benefits of adequate lighting in the workplace. minus three spheres: physical; cognitive and operational.


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How to Cite

da Silva e Silva, L., Maria Juca Farias, O., de Souza Campos, D., Pereira Gonçalves, B., Pereira Gomes, R., Barbosa de Alencar, D., & Lobo de Oliveira, J. M. (2019). Modernization of the Environmental Lighting System of a Manaus City Commercial Business. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(11), 532-547.

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