Benefits of Assistive Technology for Children with Monoplegic Motor Disabilities
Monoplegia, Robotic Glove, Assistive TechnologyAbstract
The benefits of Assistive technology involve assistance techniques where it presents resources to help people with disabilities, so our target audience are children with monoplegia motor disabilities, that is, the individual cannot move a limb, it was hand chosen as the focus of the problem to solve the handicapped condition. The objective is to point out techniques in assistive technology to improve the lives of children with monoplegic motor disabilities, through a procedure of a tool called Neomano Glove, demonstrating its benefits, and a comparison of another hand rehabilitation glove is also made, showing the superiority and motivation of using the Neomano Glove capable of solving and facilitating children's lives. However, the methodology used was the bibliographic research accompanied by two types of research, quantitative and qualitative, so the neomano glove is very effective, as several users have already tested and approved its use, but the equipment can still be improved, as the accessory can evolve to help the hearing impaired communicate Libras.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rilmar Pereira Gomes, Brendo Corrêa dos Santos, Douglas Vinicius Silva dos Santos, Elias Cardoso de Araújo Silva, Kaian Soares De Sousa Meireles, Hemerson Allan Silva de Moraes, David Barbosa de Alencar

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Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01