Study of the Application of User Security Techniques in the Network
Actions, Behavior, Network, Safety, UsersAbstract
Mapping user behavior on the network is one of the fundamental points for the development of security measures against intrusions, however, despite a large number of platforms and programs adopting protection standards, users are still poorly understood about their security, so, this article sought to study user security techniques on the network as a way of identifying to what extent their actions may constitute a risk or protection for their security. of a data collection questionnaire, which was prepared online and later collected responses from 222 users in Manaus-AM. From the data, a certain balance in the behavior of users can be highlighted, indicating that he is more aware of the risks, but performing actions that leave him exposed, it can be seen that through the data obtained, his behavior brings surprises to some people. situations. The main conclusion of the study reveals a certain balance of user actions regarding their security while in the network environment, so the contribution of the research is in the description and presentation of the user's security actions while in the online environment, an area little explored by the academic research. Finally, a proposal for a future research agenda on this topic is also presented.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rilmar Pereira Gomes, Francisco Luan Monteiro da Silva, Maria Correa Rodrigues Junior, Thiago de Carvalho Caetano do Vale, Zaida Maria Marques Tavares, David Barbosa de Alencar

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Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01