Optimization and cost reduction with performance improvements on web pages


  • George Lucas Silva de Sousa University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil
  • Pedro Jose Fonseca Neto University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil
  • Bruno Pereira Gonçalves University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil
  • Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil
  • David Barbosa de Alencar Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of Amazon – ITEGAM, Manaus-AM, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6705-6971




Performance, Optimization, Tools, Web, Improvements, Loading


Comparison between websites to improve their performance and optimization. Applied bibliographic research to understand and survey the concepts applied at work, adopting quantitative research through a questionnaire aimed at random audiences, documentary research to support important information on websites, informal magazines and descriptive research to analyze the effect of this study based on in the information presented. Five sites were adopted, one of which is a previous version and the other is a current one, with different characteristics to check its performance and optimization on the web. As explained, it was possible to verify the bottlenecks regarding the performance and optimization of the websites. With the applications of the necessary tools it was possible to improve the performance of the sites and with that the loading of the page became faster due to the compression in the loading of the images and also in the use of JavaScript, Css and Html. With the tools properly presented to improve performance and optimization, it is prominent to express the due improvements of the sites used in everyday life.


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Author Biographies

  • George Lucas Silva de Sousa, University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil

    Academic department

  • Pedro Jose Fonseca Neto, University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil

    Academic department

  • Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil

    Academic department

  • Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira, University Center FAMETRO, Manaus-AM, Brazil

    Academic department

  • David Barbosa de Alencar, Institute of Technology and Education Galileo of Amazon – ITEGAM, Manaus-AM, Brazil

    Research department


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How to Cite

Silva de Sousa, G. L., Fonseca Neto, P. J., Pereira Gonçalves, B., Lobo de Oliveira, J. M., & Barbosa de Alencar, D. (2020). Optimization and cost reduction with performance improvements on web pages. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(6), 16-28. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol8.iss6.2343
Received 2020-04-09
Accepted 2020-05-02
Published 2020-06-01

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