How to Reduce Motorcycle Theft in Parking at a Manaus Shopping?
Mall, Robberies, TheftAbstract
According to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Association of Shopping Centers in 2016, every nine days, a mall is robbed in Brazil. Faced with this scenario, shopping malls are increasingly concerned with customer safety, as they sell to consumers the idea of safety, convenience and comfort. In mall X, located in one of the busiest Manaus (Amazon capital in Brazil) city avenues, it was found that expenses with robberies and theft reimbursement in parking areas increased considerably in 2015. Thus, this article aims to propose low cost actions to reduce robberies and theft in the parking areas of this mall with the highest incidence of claims. Data were collected through spreadsheets and reports from the Customer Service System (CSS) and the outsourced contractor to operate the parking service. After data collection and analysis, it was concluded that motorcycle parking is the part of parking most affected by the problem, and possible solutions such as control by labels and helmet locks are suggested, and it is up to the mall managers to choose which of the improvement proposals are more feasible.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Jonas Gomes da Silva, Caroline Sousa de Oliveira; David Barbosa de Alencar

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