Active Teaching-Learning Methodologies in an Undergraduate Course of Medicine with a Traditional Curriculum
Students’ Perception
Medical education, Active learning, Perception, StudentsAbstract
The current technological configuration added to the present social demands in health make it necessary to review the teaching-learning methodologies applied during the graduation of the medical professional. Those necessities are addressed by the National Curricular Guidelines, which preconize the adoption of methodologies that stimulate the student's autonomy and put the faculty in compliance with the current situation. To obtain a panorama about the medical students’ perception in a college of a inland city of the São Paulo state in relation to the Active Teaching-LearningMethodologies (ATLM) this cross-sectional, descriptive-exploratory, quantitative analysis was carried out where the participants were students of the Medical School of São José do Rio Preto - FAMERP in 2017. Through a mixed questionnaire, that is, with open and closed questions, data were collected necessary to reach the objective. A total of 364 students participated, of whom 70.9% agreed they would like to use ATLM more often. Regarding the role of the student: 80.7% agreed that ATLM stimulate the study; 73.3% agreed that group activities support learning; 44.2% disagreed that students are not prepared for ATLM due to lack of maturity and 51.1% agreed that they are unprepared to use ATLM for being accustomed to traditional teaching methods. Data show that, even though they do not attend classes with ATLM frequently, the students can be very interested in execute them. Emphasis is given to his intense perception of learning in these moments. The student profile that compares with the ATLM is the one that knows them, that is, those who have had contact with such methodologies want to use them more frequently. In addition, students consider that the teachers’ role should be that of a learning facilitator, who guides the studies so that the academic goals are achieved.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Raul Angeli Araújo, João Marcos de Menezes Zanatta, Julio Cesar André, Daniella Ladeia de Lima, Sérgio Luís Aparecido Brienze, Randolfo dos Santos Júnior , Loiane Letícia dos Santos, Alba Regina de Abreu Lima

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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01