Epidemiological, Sociodemographic And Clinical Profile of Men With Cancer in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon
cancer in men, epidemiological profile, clinical and sociodemographic profile, Rondônia, Brazilian AmazonAbstract
Objective: to analyze the epidemiological, sociodemographic and clinical profile of men in Rondônia, Western Amazonia (Brazil), diagnosed with the main types of cancer, during a period of 2 (two) years. Materials and Methods: it is an epidemiological, descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study, with the systematization of primary data according to the methodological model recommended by Paraguassu-Chaves et al [6]. We used an instrument developed by Paraguassu-Chaves et al [5], semi-structured composed of a series of epidemiological, clinical and sociodemographic variables. The research project is in compliance with Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council of Brazil, taking into account the ethical aspects of research in Brazil. Main results: the 10 (ten) main types of cancer diagnosed by the location of the primary tumor in men were analyzed, corresponding to 1,163 (74.9%) cases of cancer in men, over a period of 2 (two) years. The 10 (ten) most common types of cancer in men were: prostate (30.9%), non-melanoma skin (22.9%), stomach (11.7%), bronchi and lungs (6.7%), colon (5.8%), leukemia (5.8%), esophagus (4.4%), central nervous system (4.2%), rectum (3.9%) and bladder (3.6%). The age group of 50 to 79 years old reaches 76.4% of the 10 main types of cancer in men. They are more frequent in brown (64.6%) and white (28%) men and with low education. 73.2% of men with cancer are married. 44.9% of men with cancer work in agriculture. 45.6% of men with cancer have a family history of cancer. The sum of smokers and ex-smokers reaches a relative frequency of 43.7%. 19.5% consume alcoholic beverages and 17.2% are ex-consumers. In 40.1%, "other isolated therapeutic procedures" were applied in the first treatment. 14.2% of diagnosed patients died from the disease. Conclusions: The scenario of cancer projection in men in Rondônia is worrying and requires an urgent redirection of actions and strategies for cancer prevention, control, assistance and treatment.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Carlos Alberto Paraguassu-Chaves, Allan Kardec Duailibe Barros Filho, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida, Lenita Rodrigues Moreira Dantas, João Viana Fonseca Neto, Alcione Miranda dos Santos, Maria da Conceição Ribeiro Simões

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Accepted 2020-07-18
Published 2020-08-01