Insertion of the copper IUD (TCu 380A) in the immediate postpartum
A study in young women in the Brazilian Amazon
Objective: To evaluate the insertion of the Copper IUD (TCu 380A) in young women, side effects and users' degree of satisfaction with the method. The research site is the municipal public maternity hospital of Porto Velho, located in the state of Rondônia, in the Brazilian Amazon. Methodology: Standardized questionnaire with the following variables: Identification and address; Weight; PA; Consultation: Puerperal (3) months, (6) months, (9) months, (others); Pathological antecedents; Obstetric History: Gesta, Pará, Abt; Date of IUD insertion; Delivery type; Side Effects: (Pelvic pain), (Dysmenorrhea), (Dyspaurenia), (Hypermenorrhea), (Metrorrhea), (Anamia), (Other); Ultrasonography: Conduct. Results: In the year 2021, 1,463 parturients aged 15 to 25 years were seen at the maternity hospital, of these 982 (67.12%) had vaginal deliveries and 481 (32.88%) had cesarean deliveries). Of the 982 women who had vaginal deliveries, 312 (31.77%) underwent IUD insertion in the immediate postpartum (postplacental) period. Of the 982 women in the age group who had cesarean deliveries, 161 (33.47%) opted for IUD insertion after placental delivery. From the ultrasound examinations, it was observed that the IUDs were poorly positioned in 114 (11.60%) of those inserted in the vaginal puerperium and in 19 (4.57%) of those inserted by cesarean section after placental delivery. The main side effect in the first days of use, still in the puerperium, was pelvic pain in 20.36% of all IUDs inserted postpartum (vaginal and cesarean), in the third month the most common complaint was dysmenorrhea in 24 .47%. In the sixth month of use, dysmenorrhea (22%) was predominant, followed by hypermenorrhea (19.75%), and after the sixth month of use, dysmenorrhea (12.30%) was followed by hypermenorrhea (10.66%) as the most reported complaints. Conclusion: In regions such as the Brazilian Amazon, with high rates of unintended pregnancy in young women and consequently with complications of short interpregnancy intervals, long-term contraceptive methods (LARCs) offered in the puerperium are an option to be considered to reduce maternal mortality due to pregnancy.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria da Conceição Ribeiro Simões, Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves, Carla Dolezel Trindade, Simão Aznar Filho, Ruy Drummont Smith, Simão Dolezel Aznar, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida

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Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01