Sustainability or Health
Why Brazilian Consumers Buy Organic Food?
Organic Food, fruits and greens, Purchase intention, Brazil, Environmental concern, HealthAbstract
This research investigated environmental awareness aspects and the behaviour involving a search for health in an attempt to find their influence on consumers’ intention to purchase organic food (OF), namely organic fruits and greens (OFGs), in Fortaleza, a Brazilian Northeastern metropolis. The quantitative analysis herein presented is based on a sample survey which involved 200 organic food consumers. To data analysis we use the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in the light of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. A general OF buyer sample led to the conclusion that purchase behaviour is influenced by factors related to beliefs concerning the search for health, not to environmental awareness. It also brings to light an important issue regarding the profile of organic food buyers in Brazil revealing the link to health issues which might be explored by marketing actions, they also indicate the need for more discussion with the general public about environmental impacts caused by food production.
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Accepted 2020-08-28
Published 2020-09-01