Comparative analysis of compact fluorescent lamps versus led lamps
an economy factor
Lamps of LED, Compact Fluorescent, Economic ViabilityAbstract
The general objective of this article was to promote through bibliographic studies the two types of lamps, in addition to the comparative analysis of compact fluorescent lamps versus LED lamps: an economy factor. The specific objectives were: - to explain the conceptual precepts on: lighting engineering, definitions, characteristics, invention, operation, defect, quality and the environments used and the NBRs regulations; - address the economic impact generated by the choice of LED lamps and compact fluorescent lamps; - emphasize on an economic feasibility study on the use of LED lamps and compact fluorescent lamps. The justification of the study is related, in the promotion regarding the use of LED lamps and compact fluorescents, in the factor that generates savings. Since the areas related to artificial lighting are responsible for a significant portion of energy demand, both on a large scale - such as lighting for public roads or industrial buildings - and on smaller scales - in commercial and residential buildings. Therefore, its promotion is crucial in the context of economic viability. The lamps provide the luminous energy, through which a better luminous efficiency is obtained. Currently, there are several types of lamps available, different in several aspects: luminous intensity, reproduction colors, energy efficiency, physical composition, method for emitting light, specific purposes, prices, among others. It is worth mentioning that the lamps differ from each other not only by the different luminous fluxes that they radiate, but also by the different powers they consume. In order to compare them, it is necessary to know how many lumens are generated per absorbed watt. This greatness is called energy efficiency. Thus, the proposal of a study was evidenced, in order to promote these luminous resources, in addition to emphasizing their economic viability.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Diego da Silva de Souza, Paulo de Souza Silva, David Barbosa de Alencar
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Accepted 2020-10-18
Published 2020-11-01
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