Application of Energy Efficiency in A Company Through A Photovoltaic Energy System on Grid
Energy, commercial building, efficiencyAbstract
Energy consumption is a major factor in relation to an organization's costs and expenses, determining the need to apply methods that can minimize or reduce these expenses as much as possible. Having these factors in context, the present work aims to present the technical feasibility of implementing a project that uses solar energy through the on-grid solar system to supply the energy demand of a company. The methodology used was the descriptive, in which several data were collected and documentations were analyzed that supported and justified the elaboration of a photovoltaic project and development of the budget and analysis of the costs of a solar energy system. Through the results obtained, it was possible to arrive at a solar project that would be able to establish the necessary power for the company for a cost of R $ 20,916.96 and a payback of 5 years and 5 months. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the photovoltaic system is viable in its use and application, not only because of the advantages associated with the environment, but taking into account its self-sustainability over time and with a useful life of up to 25 years.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Samuel Guimaraes Ferreira, Livia da Silva Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar

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Accepted 2020-11-04
Published 2020-11-01