Ecologizing knowledge, reverbering for teaching being-doing in (post) pandemic times
Ecologies of knowledge, Balances of Knowledge, Emergencies, Self-knowledge, (Re)drawings of teaching practiceAbstract
We present results of a study about the challenges of teaching practice in the context of the pandemic that we lived in 2020. We take complex thinking as the guiding thread to ecologize knowledge and establish relationships and reflections with the voices of female and male teachers in the basic education network that worked with this scenario. In this context, ecologize has the meaning of knowing oneself and the other, based on conceptual pluralities and valuing life. The methodological path was inspired in Bernard Charlot's methodological instrument (2009) for the generation and understanding of the voices of female and male teachers who lived the investigated daily life. The aforementioned instrument, called “balances of knowledge”, allowed the analysis of the data generated, which is represented in a picture, a word cloud where the meanings of being and teaching in the path of the year of the pandemic lived are, the main voices being expressed: ecologize, emergency, digital technology, learning, feelings, meaningful, innovation, learning, fabrics, possibilities and transformation. The interconnections between these voices and the theoretical concepts outlined in the study reverberate movements towards the knowledge of the self, giving meaning, with activation of complex thought networks, that the image of the figures that we present may signal new ways to face the challenges of the situations experienced.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Márcia Boell, Arlene Aparecida de Arruda, Lucila Guedes de Oliveira , Eliana Maria do Sacramento Soares

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Accepted 2021-01-28
Published 2021-02-01