The development of a theoretical-practical model for the identification of teaching competencies in Brazilian public innovative universities




Teaching competencies, Innovative universities, Delphi Panel, Brazilian public universities


This investigation aims to categorize and identify the general teaching competencies that professors who work in a public innovative Brazilian university should develop. It employs the Delphi Panel method, which allows a consensus of opinions to be reached by a group of experts. This study had eight expert participants from different fields of study. They engaged answering five rounds of instrument, that were sent by email to them. After analyzing the competencies, the experts suggested agglutination between some categories and some eliminations. As a result, the competences were summarized in six categories: Digital, Internalized, Externalized, Teaching Knowledge, Technical and Innovative. This research will serve as theoretical support for the construction and elaboration of a theoretical-practical model for the identification of teaching competencies to work in Brazilian public innovative universities.


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Author Biographies

  • Rejane Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Doctorate Student, Postgraduate Program on Engineering and Knowledge Management

  • Vânia Ribas Ulbricht, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Professor, Postgraduate Program on Engineering and Knowledge Management

  • Kátia Muck, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Professor, Postgraduate Program on Transcultural Practices


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How to Cite

Costa, R., Ribas Ulbricht, V., & Muck, K. (2021). The development of a theoretical-practical model for the identification of teaching competencies in Brazilian public innovative universities. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(3), 237-256.
Received 2021-02-11
Accepted 2021-02-28
Published 2021-03-01