Classification of the comorbid symptomatic groups on autism spectrum disorder diagnosis
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Comorbidity, Clinical and Educational TreatmentAbstract
A total of 126 people with a nuclear diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) participated in this study, corresponding to Galicia Community (Spain), found through survey regarding significantly more common symptoms related this disorder nuclear diagnosis. Hence, main aim is delimiting symptoms symptomatic groups that co-occur to each other, regarding basic diagnosis of ASD, in order elaborate predictive processes of comorbid recurrence along ASD diagnosis and develop the related psycho- educational approach.
Data analysis, achieved throughout CLUSTER K-MEDIAS test of SPSS statistic, 23 version, allowed conclude there´s an interaction of symptoms recurrent themselves, which let conclude a classification of 3 symptomatic groups that make up basic comorbidity of ASD diagnosis: 1) group I, formed by epilepsy (2.00) and severe cognitive deficit (1.86) interaction, 2) II group, with significant interrelated scores in schizotypal features (.82) and anxiety processes (.77), and 3) III group, characterized by interaction between motor tics (1.92), cognitive deficit (1.54), hypersensitivity (1.23) and severe behavior problems (1.38).
It´s possible conclude these symptomatic groups are predictors variables of comorbidity associated with ASD to carry out effective psycho- social- educational implementation to people with ASD.
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Accepted 2021-05-22
Published 2021-06-01