Semantic Integration Scale to People Diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Diagnosis, Semantic IntegrationAbstract
This study's basic aim is evaluating the Semantic Integration Scale (SIS) to give a specific complementary differential instrument in relation to information processing shape of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and, therefore, facilitate the differential diagnosis of people with ASD regarding normotypic people.
A total of 376 participants have been selected between 10 and 16 age, distributed in 2 groups, 1 experimental groups formed of people with ASD= 156 and 1 normotypical control group, composed by 220 participants.
The conclusive differential analysis of the comparative level between experimental and control group, corresponding to 6 subdimensions of SIS, carried out through t-test for 2 independent samples, it´s concluded the comparative data are significantly different between both groups: experimental and control group, which allows deducing the specificity of this Scale like complementary diagnosis adapted to people with ASD.
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Accepted 2020-09-21
Published 2020-10-01