Sequelae of congenital oropharyngeal teratoma in the oral cavity of the child
case report
Teratoma, Oropharynx, Child, Preschool, Oral Cavity, Case ReportsAbstract
Congenital oropharyngeal teratoma is a rare tumor subtype with cells from the three germ layers, majorly being benign. Whereas teratoma develops early in intrauterine life, thus affecting the growth and development of adjacent structures, the purpose of this case report is to present the sequelae of this tumor in a child's oral cavity. Female child, 2 years and 3 months old referred by the otorhinolaryngologist for dental evaluation. The mother´s main complaint was the the child could not close her mouth. According to the child's medical record, at 34th week of gestation, during the routine ultrasound examination, the presence of the anechoic tumor mass was observed without Doppler signal, presenting a 3.2cm x 2.4cm diameter outside through the oral cavity. At 17 and 32 days of life, respectively, the excision of the largest and residual tumor located on the floor of the mouth was performed. Upon anatomopathological examination, the tumor with was classified as a mature teratoma. In the intraoral examination, a deep and atresia palate incomplete cleft palate, bone growth in the region of the posterior alveolar ridge of the maxilla, and in the posterior region of the mandible on the left side, "V" shaped mandible and microglossia, crowding were observed dental agenesis of the lower lateral incisors, absence of caries lesions, gingivitis and enamel development defects. The child will remain under the regular dental pediatric follow-up. Several sequelae were observed in the child's oral cavity and the need for multi-professional follow-up after excision of congenital oropharyngeal teratoma.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Letícia Bruno Qualhato, Ana Carolina Candelas Peixoto, Késia Lara dos Santos Marques, Celia Regina Moreira Lanza, Luiz Roberto da Silva, Guilherme Silva de Mendonça, Fabiana Sodré de Oliveira

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Accepted 2021-06-29
Published 2021-07-01