Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Quilombola Women
A Multifactorial Analysis on The Preventive Examination of Uterine Cervical Cancer in Northern Brazil
Cervical Neoplasms, Pap smear test, Women's Health, African Continent Ancestries Group, Quilombola community.Abstract
O Cervical cancer is considered a persistent public health problem, the access to health services, as well as women's adherence to the Pap smear, is one of the main tools to change this scenario, favoring the early detection of the disease. When considering the morbidity and mortality rates, taking into account the color, it is evident that black women need a different look. Given the above, the objective of this work is to analyze the knowledge, attitude and practice of quilombola women in Amapá about the preventive examination for cervical cancer. The study has a quantitative approach, of an applied nature, of the Survey type, having as reference the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey (KAP) on the PCCU exam. The field research was carried out in the Quilombo do Curiaú in the state of Amapá. The data were submitted to the SPSS version 25.0 program, for the description of the statistical results, being considered relevant the results with p<0.05, which made it possible to trace the following socioeconomic and anthropometric profile: age from 18 to 33 years old (43.75 %), Catholic (92.50%), single (52.50%), complete high school (31.35%), without paid activity (41.25%), month family income from 1 to 2 minimum wages (37 .50%) and an average of five family members (36.25%). They present weight 69.34 (Me), height 161.06 (Me), Body Mass Index (BMI) 26.685 (Me), waist circumference (WC) 86.97 (Me), hip circumference (HC) 106 .77 (Me) and CC/HC ratio index 0.8172 (Me). Thus, the study revealed that 42.50% meet the parameter considered normal for BMI and 68.75% have a low risk for the development of Chronic Non-Transmissible Neoplastic Diseases, according to CC/HC. Using the criteria proposed by the KAP survey as a reference, 26.25% had adequate knowledge, 30% had adequate attitude and 37.5% had adequate practice, demonstrating a negative proportional assessment in relation to the PCCU exam. The KAP survey was carried out, which showed that only 36.27% of the women were characterized with Adequate Knowledge, 30.00% with Adequate Attitude and 37.5% with Adequate Practice, highlighting the need for educational actions at this topic with the female quilombola population, with a view to increasing the adherence to the uterine cytopathological examination within these communities.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Thamilly Joaquina Picanço Miranda, Marlucilena Pinheiro da Silva, Luzilena de Sousa Prudêncio, Nely Dayse Santos da Mata, Tatiana do Socorro dos Santos Calandrini, Inara Mariela da Silva Cavalcante, Karoline Sampaio da Silva, Tinale Barbosa Palheta Monteiro, Wingred Lobato Gonçalves

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Accepted 2021-10-10
Published 2021-11-01