Design and calculation of heat transfer of the passive cooling modules for low-pressure hydrogen vessels




Metalhydride, pressure vessel, stress analysis, hydrogen


This paper deals with the issue of improving the temperature management of a metal hydride tank to reduce the energy intensity of cooling. The problem of absorption and adsorption of hydrogen gas in metals, cooling of metal hydride tanks in the process of hydrogen absorption while protecting the current level of development of science and research for this area is analysed. The work also deals with numerical and experimental verification of a prototype metal hydride tank with passive cooling.


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Author Biographies

  • Marián Lázár, Technical University of Košice

    Department of Power Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  • Filip Duda, Technical University of Košice

    Department of Power Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  • Ľubomíra Kmeťová, Technical University of Košice

    Department of Power Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  • Natália Jasminská, Technical University of Košice

    Department of Power Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  • Šimon Hudák, Technical University of Košice

    Department of Power Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


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How to Cite

Lázár, M., Duda, F., Kmeťová, Ľubomíra, Jasminská, N., & Hudák, Šimon. (2021). Design and calculation of heat transfer of the passive cooling modules for low-pressure hydrogen vessels. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(11), 212-217.
Received 2021-09-30
Accepted 2021-10-10
Published 2021-11-01

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