Artificial Neural Networks Models Based on ARX and State Space Forms and Adaptive Control PID/LQR of Systems Based on Peltier Cells




Adaptive Control, Neural Networks, System Identification, Thermal System, ltier Cell actuator, Control Design, LQR


To improve the performance of a thermal plant based on Peltier cell actuators, an online parametric estimation via artificial neural networks and adaptive controller is presented. The control actions  are based on adaptive digital controller and an adaptive quadratic linear regulator approaches. The Artificial neural networks topology is based on ARX and NARX models, and its training algorithms, such as accelerated backpropagation and recursive least square. The Control strategies are design-oriented to adaptive digital PID controller and quadratic linear regulator framework. The proposal is evaluated on  temperature control of an object that is inside of a chamber.


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Author Biographies

  • Denis Fabricio Sousa De Sá, Federal University of Maranhão

    Department of Electrical Engineering-Balsas

  • João Viana Fonseca Neto, Federal University of Maranhão

    Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and PPGE


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How to Cite

Sousa De Sá, D. F., & Fonseca Neto, J. V. (2021). Artificial Neural Networks Models Based on ARX and State Space Forms and Adaptive Control PID/LQR of Systems Based on Peltier Cells. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(11), 455-477.
Received 2021-10-12
Accepted 2021-11-03
Published 2021-11-01

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