Rural tourism

An analysis througt the assumptions of the new institutional economy


  • Cláudia Brazil Marques Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul image/svg+xml
  • Carlos Honorato Schuch Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina image/svg+xml
  • Dr. Fabrício Moraes de Almeida Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil
  • Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves University of Brasília image/svg+xml
  • Simão Dolezel Aznar University Institute of Rio de Janeiro
  • Levi Pereira Granja de Souza Estácio de Sá University
  • Carlos Alberto Dolezel Trindade University Institute of Rio de Janeiro
  • Carlos Eugênio Pereira Faculdade Instituto Rio de Janeiro
  • Ricardo Guanabara University Institute of Rio de Janeiro
  • David Lopes Maciel MUST UNIVERSITY



New Institutional Economy (NIE), Tourism, Rural property, Wine


The study aims to analyze the decision-making of the agents through the theoretical assumptions of the New Institutional Economics (NIE), and the results in transaction costs of rural property activity added tourism to its agricultural business. The methodology adopted was the exploratory and explanatory study. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and the analysis was qualitative. Finally, we know that we still need to find appropriate tools to reduce the asymmetry of information and allow a wider field of view to making agents' decisions.


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Author Biographies

  • Cláudia Brazil Marques, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

    PhD in Agribusiness -CEPAN, State University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul- UERGS- Policy Research Group, Public Management and Development of Uergs/CNPq.

  • Carlos Honorato Schuch Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    PhD in Production Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG, Department of Chemical and Food Engineering.

  • Dr. Fabrício Moraes de Almeida, Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil

    Researcher of the Doctoral and Master Program in Regional Development and Environment (PGDRA/UFRO). Leader of line 2 ― Technological and Systemic Development, and Researcher of GEITEC

  • Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves, University of Brasília

    4 PhD in Health Sciences,  PhD in Science -University of Havana (Cuba); Post-Doctor in Health Sciences -UnB and Degli Studi D'Aquila University -IT. Full Professor at the University Institute of Rio de Janeiro -IURJ, Brazil.

  • Simão Dolezel Aznar, University Institute of Rio de Janeiro

    Graduated in Law. Master of Law Student, Specialist in Law. Professor.

  • Levi Pereira Granja de Souza, Estácio de Sá University

    Master's Degree in Administration from. Professor at the University Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Professor at the University Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Carlos Alberto Dolezel Trindade, University Institute of Rio de Janeiro

    Graduated in Law and Psychology. Specialist in Higher Education Teaching. Professor.

  • Carlos Eugênio Pereira, Faculdade Instituto Rio de Janeiro

    Specialist in Education - UniverCidade. Graduated in Law – Gama Filho University. Professor.

  • Ricardo Guanabara, University Institute of Rio de Janeiro

    PhD in Political Science from IUPERJ, Brazil. Professor.

  • David Lopes Maciel, MUST UNIVERSITY

    Professional Master in Master of Science in Emergent Technologies in Education


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How to Cite

Marques, C. B., Schuch Santos, C. H., Almeida, D. F. M. de ., Paraguassú-Chaves, C. A., Aznar, S. D., de Souza, L. P. G., Dolezel Trindade, . C. A., Pereira, C. E., Guanabara, R., & Maciel, D. L. (2022). Rural tourism: An analysis througt the assumptions of the new institutional economy. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(1), 137-144.
Received 2021-11-17
Accepted 2021-12-31
Published 2022-01-01

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