Cultural heritage from the city's perspective




Cultural heritage, urban legislation, Memory, Cultural identity, Sustainable development


The changes related to the occupation of Brazilian territory that took place in the 70's and 80's brought great transformations and challenges to cities, a fact that triggered the need for organization and management of these territories. From the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1934, a movement emerged regarding the legal treatment of issues related to urbanism and its cultural heritage. The legal regulations’ evolution process that permeate the cities continued to walk with the Constitution of 1988 and the City Statute (2001), which in turn, guides Brazilian municipalities regarding their public administrations through the Municipal Master Plans. In this way, the study in question is justified based on the issues that permeate cities, with their complex and constantly changing systems. The present research is directed to emphasize theoretical approach studies on cultural heritage through the vision of the city. This work is based on bibliographic research, of a basic nature, as well as presents a qualitative approach to the data collected, and treated from the analytical-synthetic approach method, initially presents the information with a macro view, reducing the analysis to understanding micro of the study object.


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Author Biographies

  • Hanae Caroline Quintana Shiota , Dom Bosco Catholic University
    Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Local Education
  • Arlinda Cantero Dorsa, Dom Bosco Catholic University

    Direito (Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Local)


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How to Cite

Akamine, M. de B. C., Shiota , H. C. Q., & Dorsa, A. C. . (2022). Cultural heritage from the city’s perspective. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(2), 213-228.
Received 2022-01-20
Accepted 2022-02-09
Published 2022-02-01