Patent granted in the field of physical activity prescription: a technology analysis of the body activity assessment system
Physical Education, Intellectual property, ExerciseAbstract
The prescription of physical activity in Brazil is widespread as an action of the Physical Education professional. In this process, it is up to him to plan, elaborate, systematize, plan, monitor and evaluate the practitioner. Therefore, with evolution, technologies capable of performing the same functions have emerged. In this regard, are technologies that have physical activity prescription functions protectable? Is there technology for this purpose and capability? These are the questions that structure this research. It aimed to analyze patents that will present a profile of physical activity prescription in other areas and in other countries. In the field of investigation, basic research characterized in the principles of documentary research was applied, with a sample of 198 patents using data analysis in the interpretive phase of the data. It was concluded that there is a technology protected by a patent that has a role and competence in the field of prescription, monitoring and evaluation of practice in the health sphere. There is still a need for further studies to deepen and increase knowledge in the axis of intellectual property, physical activity, professional Physical Education and health.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tiago de Melo Ramos, Jaldemir Santana Batista Bezerra, Flávio Valdir Kirst, Wendel Fren Costa dos Anjos, Antenor de Oliveira Silva Neto, Robélius De Bortoli

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Accepted 2022-03-24
Published 2022-04-01