A Digital Booklet about Natural Disasters with Graphic Animation Focused on Landslides

A Study Case at Amazonas





Science Education, digital and assistive technologies, Natural resources, Geological Risk


The main occurrences of natural disasters in Brazil occur, being in the biggest part constituted by floods and landslides. The use of digital models is very useful to assist in the understanding of those phenomena, mostly geological processes that are developed at subsurface as landslides and are not possible to be seen by humans. This way, a digital booklet about landslides was developed and evaluated with two studies. One, that evaluates the usability through the SUS scale and the other, that evaluates the booklet importance by the perception of Earth Sciences field professors. The results indicate that the booklet brings an important theme and easy utilization, helping to spread to the population how the landslides occur and what to do to avoid them.


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Author Biographies

  • Diego Cunha, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

    Computing Center, Superior School of Technology

  • Jamile Dehaini, University of the State of Amazonas

    Professor Jamile Dehaini, Department of Metheorology, Superior School of Technology, University of the State of Amazonas

  • Marcela Pessoa, University of the State of Amazonas

    Professor Marcela S. P. Pessoa, Computing Department, Superior School of Technology, University of the State of Amazonas


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How to Cite

Cunha, D., Dehaini, J., & Pessoa, M. (2022). A Digital Booklet about Natural Disasters with Graphic Animation Focused on Landslides: A Study Case at Amazonas. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(7), 283-295. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol10.iss7.3816
Received 2022-05-19
Accepted 2022-06-24
Published 2022-07-01