Socioeconomic Context of Residents in Extractive Reserves of Machadinho D'Oeste-Rondônia-Brazil
Machadinho D’Oeste, Extractive reserve, Amazon, Rondônia, SocioeconomiaAbstract
This article aims to analyze the economic, social and environmental perspectives in the territory that comprises the city of Machadinho D'oeste in the State of Rondônia, considering the type of economy and its relationship with the issues of deforestation and social problems. The theoretical bases used in the reference are based on reflections on how the Amazon is seen, on how the economy of the State of Rondônia and the municipality of Machadinho D'oeste are composed. A semi-structured interview was conducted with the Secretary of Social Action of the Municipality. The analysis of the interview was carried out by the Discourse Analysis (AD) methodology of Dominique Maingueneau. The research findings confirmed what was proposed in the objectives, which indicated that there are no public policies that can meet the socioeconomic demands of residents in the reserves of Machadinho D'oeste in Rondônia. These findings only show that the Amazon is seen by many perspectives, of a more exploratory nature of its biome.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marcelo Augusto Mendes Barbosa, Rafael Ademir Oliveira De Andrade, Edney Costa De Souza, Neire Abreu Mota Porfiro, Elisangela Ferreira Menezes

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Accepted 2022-08-31
Published 2022-09-01