Structures and Precautions of the Fundação Nacional do Índio:
Analysis of National Management Reports 2008-2018
Public Policies, indigenism, FUNAI precariousness, RondôniaAbstract
The present work aims to analyze aspects of FUNAI management present in its national reports in order to assess the possibilities of action and the precariousness in the state indigenist agency. Considering this objective, the procedures were documental research, for data collection, and content analysis, to understand the data collected. Five categories were highlighted from the reports: People Management, Demarcation and Inspection of Indigenous Lands and Protection of Isolated Indians, Ethnodevelopment and Territorial/Environmental Management, Budget and Execution of the Agency and Licensing and Compensation for Enterprises. Such categories allowed us to conclude that FUNAI, as an official indigenist body, is precarious in many aspects of its management, which prevents it from carrying out actions that are part of its institutional mission.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rafael Ademir Oliveira de Andrade, Artur de Souza Moret, Rodrigo César Silva Moreira, Raduan Krauze Lopes

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Accepted 2022-08-19
Published 2022-09-01