Human Instrumentalization and Machine Mastery
Cyber-pedagogia, Cyberpunk, Cyber-education, Autopoietic-machine, MachineAbstract
The use of virtual and digital technological resources is a phenomenon that crosses humanity in such an intense way that it often interferes with the existential naturalness of individuals and allows to launch to the world, even if in a subtle and gradual way, a relationship of mastery of the machine with the mankind. The work aims to make the reader aware of the problem of the human-machine relationship and bring paths and reflections based on a perspective of studies and debates in the field of Philosophy, about this functioning in which it can generate a subservient behavior of the human as the creator of digital functions. but that loses this domain due to the self-development of the machine. The study's methodology is bibliographic research, as well as references to films and series such as Akira (1988); Neon Genenis Evangelion (1995) and Ghost In The Shell (1995) that address this issue and serve as a basis for analyzing the facts raised as problematic. The main result of the research was the discussions based on the term Cyber-pedagogy, which is replaced and empowered from a neologistic perspective that attributes this term to a pedagogical operation in which the autopoietic machine educates the individual and can subject him/her to a process of human instrumentalization, of which the human would be an instrument for the use of the machine and digital resources by losing its essence as the creator of the virtual digital resource.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Matheus Cunha Paiva, Sara Kelly da Silva, David Custódio de Sena, Washington Sales do Monte

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Accepted 2022-09-29
Published 2022-10-01