Sustainable Tourism as a Strategy for Generating Employment and Income in the Local Economy
Sustainable Tourism, Public Policies, Decision Making, Tourism ManagementAbstract
The study addresses and deepens the debate on which are the best choices of sustainable strategic public policies to promote income and employment generation in economically depressed local economies and unattractive in attracting investments. In this context, public actions and strategies to stimulate the development of sustainable tourism are a promising path, as long as they are thought of as a regionalized process. The success of these policies largely depends on the integration and cooperation between tourist regions. However, failures in the coordination of actions, low understanding of local managers of the micro and macroeconomic scenario make more articulated and consequently more effective actions difficult. The study through a descriptive research of qualitative analysis and making use of content analysis addresses ways to ensure the promotion of sustainable growth of local economies. Sustainable tourism depends on improving regional governance, articulation and integration between territories, reliability and transparency in the management of data collection and sharing for satisfactory decision-making in the strategies of public policies for regional development of tourism.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Cláudia Brazil Marques , Ricardo Letizia Garcia, Carlos Honorato Schuch Santos, Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida, Carla Dolezel Trindade, Simão Aznar Filho, Ruy Drummont Smith, Simão Dolezel Aznar

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Accepted 2022-10-24
Published 2022-11-01