Effect of computer assisted teaching strategy on students achievement by gender in agricultural education in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya
Achievement, Agriculture subject, Computer Assisted Teaching, GenderAbstract
Gender has remained relevant in education because it has been linked to achievement and participation in certain professions. Gender differences in achievement has been shown to vary according to school subject. This has partly been attributed to the teaching strategy adopted by the teacher. Computer Assisted Teaching (CAT) strategy is a method that uses computers in a learning media and strengthens student’s motivation and educational processes. Little or no information is known about the impact of the strategy in teaching agriculture and consequently it’s effect on achievement by gender. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether there is gender difference in achievement in agriculture among students exposed to CAT strategy. The study employed Solomon Four-Quasi-experimental design. The study was conducted in eight county secondary schools in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. Stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting sample schools. A sample of 327 Form One students participated in the study. The research instrument was Agriculture Achievement Test (AAT) with a reliability coefficient of 0.91. Descriptive statistics (means and percentages) and inferential statistic (ANOVA) were used for data analysis. The study showed that CAT strategy improved achievement in agriculture but male students performed better than female students after exposure to CAT strategy. The study concluded that CAT is an effective strategy in improving achievement in agriculture and therefore agriculture teachers should incorporate CAT strategy in their teaching.
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