Good People Management Practices
Competencies creation for the innovation process
Innovation, People Management, HRM, Human Resource Management, OrganizationsAbstract
The adapt ability through innovation has been one of the factors for companies to reposition themselves in the market. They are turning their eyes to people management, with the intention that the relationship between employees and company is exchange, in addition to established processes of innovation. Thus, if the employees provide the delivery of competence, the other is promoted to satisfaction by delivery. Therefore, the article aims to identify the contributions of People Management in the Innovation Process. For this, a systematic search was made in the Web of Science (WoS) database. In the end, it was pointed out that studies that deal with the relationship between innovation and people management are still recent and scarce, but the strategic people management importance is recognized to maintain the human potential balance, of organizational knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Waldoir Vatentim Gomes Junior, Aline de Brittos Valdati, Elias Sebastião de Andrade, Felipe Kupka Feliciano, Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini
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