Center Rondon project and university extension

sharing and knowledge production


  • Vaneza Cauduro Peranzoni Universidade de Cruz Alta, RS, Brazil
  • Alieze Nascimento da Silva University of Cruz Alta, Brazil
  • Carine Nascimento da Silva University of Cruz Alta, Brazil
  • Luana Possamai Menezes University of Cruz Alta, Brazil
  • Alieze Nascimento da Silva Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil



university extension, Rondon Project, integration, culture, Marechal Rondon


This work explores the experience of team participation the University of Cruz Alta Cruz Alta Rio Grande do Sul, Rondon Project. With goal to integrate the student to reality Brazil, and develop political, economic, and health care activities education for the poor, in January 2012, teachers and students visited the city of Aguiarnópolis, state of Tocantins in Brazil. The project is the intellectual effort of research and understanding of the process history, involving the saga of Brazilian Cândido Mariano Rondon and his legacy to the formation of anthropologists. This study proposes a reflection on Rondon Project while the university democratization of space public, considering it essential to approach institution with society. The Rondon Project is an extension activity that aims to consolidate the sense of social responsibility in university, knowledge on different Brazilian realities and production local collective projects.  It is intended, finally, contribute through this study to highlight the importance of alliance between scientific knowledge and empirical in everyone's life citizens, and the contribution of the Rondon Project to provide this exchange of knowledge between students and underserved communities.


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Author Biographies

  • Vaneza Cauduro Peranzoni, Universidade de Cruz Alta, RS, Brazil

    PhD in Education - Professor of the Master Course in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development

  • Alieze Nascimento da Silva, University of Cruz Alta, Brazil

    Master of the Postgraduate Program (PPG) in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development

  • Carine Nascimento da Silva , University of Cruz Alta, Brazil

    MSc student of the Postgraduate Program (PPG) in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development

  • Luana Possamai Menezes , University of Cruz Alta, Brazil

    Master in Nursing. Professor of the Nursing Course

  • Alieze Nascimento da Silva, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil

    Master in Agronomy - Agriculture and Environment


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How to Cite

Peranzoni, V. C., Nascimento da Silva, A. ., Nascimento da Silva , C. ., Possamai Menezes , L. ., & Nascimento da Silva, A. (2019). Center Rondon project and university extension: sharing and knowledge production. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(4), 387-396.