AAUQ Asphalt Mixtures Using Carbide Lime for Low Traffic Paths in Manaus - AM
asphalt mixture, paving, traffic volumeAbstract
The asphalt pavements of the residential streets and outskirts of Manaus city are usually made of Hot Machined Asphalt Sand (AAUQ), which is ideal for low traffic roads, not only for the flow of vehicles and use of materials, but also for the economic viability of the project. In this research we used the waste originated from acetylene gas production in factories of the Industrial District, Cal de Carbureto in the composition of asphalt mixtures of type AAUQ, replacing the usual filler, Portland cement. These mixtures were mechanically evaluated with respect to the Diametral Compression Tensile Strength, Resilience Module and Fatigue Life tests, and it was found that the alternative filler presents superior results when compared to the usual used in the asphalt plants of the City.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Herbert Pereira Tomé, Joilson Rocha de Almeida, Livia da Silva Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar, Camily Murrieta Vasconcelos Oliveira Bezerra

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