Analyzing Accidents in Civil Construction for Safety Work at Height
Risk of falls, Safety, Brazilian Regulatory NormAbstract
In civil construction any and all services must be performed objectively and safely, especially the services at the height of the painter, where the employee is more exposed to the risk of falls and impacts of the user's own objects on lower limbs. Both the employee and the employer are responsible for everything that happens at the construction site, the employer providing safety devices and plans to minimize the rich of accidents while performing the services and the employee must obey any and all safety orders and plans aimed at not only your physical integrity but that of your colleagues doing services around you. Therefore this work will address the NR-6 regulations dealing with single use equipment, NR-18 which work conditions and environment in the construction industry and NR-35 work at height, which regulate service at height with the main focus.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Daniel da Silva Damasceno, Josiane de Oliveira Martins, Frank Henrique Santos Fontineles, Sara dos Santos Santarém, David Barbosa de Alencar, Antônio Estanislau Sanches
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