Transport Logistics Analysis of Amazon Application


  • Luciano Oliveira de Melo
  • David Barbosa de Alencar ITEGAM
  • Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa
  • Marden Eufrasio dos Santos



Transportation infrastructure, Economic and social development, Road transport


The current marketing system faces one of the major challenges of finding strategies for safer logistics, both in quality and practicality to the competitive process that can be applied in the market. Transport infrastructure plays a significant role in the logistics process, as it impacts transport costs, bringing limits to the economic and social development of the region. In terms of transportation logistics in the Amazon, there are still obstacles where companies are constantly seeking to divert or solve such difficulties, since the state has geographical specificities, where its extensive rivers make the flow of production more difficult, so In this way, it is essential to understand how public waterway transportation policies contribute to the logistical bottlenecks of Amazonas. The state of Amazonas maintains about 600 km of state roads, however precariously, making traffic slow, and with the lack of BRs, the state is also penalized. Manaus has BR 174 and BR 210 that connects the municipality to Boa Vista, and BR 319 that connects Amazonas with the rest of the country is not completed and there is no concrete deadline for its completion, given the many difficulties and flaws. faced in that region. Regarding transport logistics in the most exclusive North Region in Amazonas, one particularity stands out: the lack of integrated planning for infrastructure that can bring positive results, both social and economic.



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How to Cite

Oliveira de Melo, L., Barbosa de Alencar, D., Tregue Costa, A. P., & Eufrasio dos Santos, M. (2019). Transport Logistics Analysis of Amazon Application. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(11), 1000-1009.

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