Innovation, intellectual property and technological transfer by inventors in Brazil
Technology, Triple-Helix, PatentsAbstract
Innovation can be understood as a technological asset in relation to the protection of knowledge with regard to intellectual property, and a challenge for universities and companies regarding the transfer of technology, since there are numerous variables that influence even full monetization. It is important to reflect on all the energy expended in relation to the authors involved in this process, having as general objective to analyze the perception of researchers about the processes of protection of intellectual property and its security mechanisms, characteristics of innovation and technology transfer. A structured research was used as a methodology, using the survey method, applied to specialists, with hypotheses formulated, based on the literature review. The results mainly understand that there is a moderate correlation index in quantitative terms of graduate programs and number of patents, by region of Brazil, an awareness in agreement with the elements of protection of intellectual property. In global efforts among researchers, universities and companies, only about 5% of patents have reached the level of royalty generation, demonstrating that the other 95% are still available for potential exploitation for society.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Carlos Tadeu Santana Tatum, Suzana Leitão Russo, Maria Emília Camargo, Luis Felipe Dias Lopes, Jonas Pedro Fabris
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Accepted 2020-07-29
Published 2020-08-01
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