The Effect of Utilization of social media for competitive Advantage in Sri Lankan Hotel industry


  • S.W.G.K Bulankulama Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Management and Science University, Malaysia
  • Ali Khatibi Management and Science University, Malaysia
  • T.S.D.M Shokri Management and Science University, Malaysia



Utilization of social media, competitive advantages, Sri Lankan hotel industry


Competitive advantage occurs when an organization acquires an attribute or combination of attributes that allows it to outperform its competitors. These attributes can access through tangible, non-tangible assess and new technologies such as information technology as a competitive strategy in the business process can provide competitive advantage. Preble, Reichel, and Hoffman (2000) and Pine and Philips (2005) focused on the role of strategic alliances in the hospitality industry competitions. In this cross-sectional analytical study, aim was to test if there is an association between the variables of utilization of social media and competitive advantage in Sri Lankan hotel industry. Study subjects consisted of executive levels officers in thirty-four Sri Lankan hotel industries. Variables in utilization of social media and competitive advantage of the study were positively correlated (r = 0.6) and very high means. Also, Working capabilities of social media high significantly and positively correlated with competitive advantage (r = 0.70, p<.05), while it was (r = 0.50, p< .05) in personal experience of social media.


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Author Biographies

  • S.W.G.K Bulankulama, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Management and Science University, Malaysia

    Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Social Sciences

    Doctoral Student, School of Graduate Studies


  • Ali Khatibi, Management and Science University, Malaysia

    Professor, Faculty of business and professional studies

  • T.S.D.M Shokri, Management and Science University, Malaysia

    Professor, Faculty of business and professional studies


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How to Cite

Bulankulama, S., Khatibi, A., & Shokri, T. (2014). The Effect of Utilization of social media for competitive Advantage in Sri Lankan Hotel industry. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(12), 127-132.