Challenges of public education in Brazil
Notes on school, the family and the community
Education, Brazil, School, Family, CommunityAbstract
This paper proposed to delimit as an object of study the “Challenges faced by Public Education in Brazil”, without the purpose of verifying the quality of education in the national territory. We understand that it is necessary for the school, the family and the community to walk together, so that socio-educational quality can be achieved. Therefore, an analysis of the main productions available on the subject is necessary. Although access to Elementary Education is practically universal, Brazil still faces the great problem of the precarious quality of education offered in its schools. Thus, the general objective of this work is to analyze the strategies that can be used by the school, the family and the community to implement the qualification of public education, specifically in Paraíba. Thus, subsidies to exercise and studies on the subject arise. This work is bibliographic and documental, under a qualitative approach, since it is understood as a social quality strategy and legal regulations through documents and bibliographic materials related to the strategies can be used by the school, family and community, to carry out the qualification of the public education, in Paraíba.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Cristina Brust, Wilder Kleber Fernandes Santana, Francisco Guimarães de Assis, Juliana Luíza Pinto dos Santos Teixeira, Elder Cardoso Fernandes da Silva, Jociene Martins Matheus da Silva, Evandro de Oliveira Brito, Richardson Lemos de Oliveira, Vanessa Serafim da Silva, Alessandra Ferreira dos Santos, Adriana de Menezes, Davi Milan

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Accepted 2021-08-30
Published 2021-09-01