The challenges in the application of educational strategies for doctors in the Programa Mais Médicos do Brasil (PMMB)
An analytical-descriptive study
Programa Mais Médicos of Brasil (“More Physicians”), Family Health Strategy, Comprehensive Health CareAbstract
This article analyzes the challenges faced for the application of educational strategies for physicians in the Programa Mais Médicos of Brasil (“More Physicians”) and the contributions of these professionals to the work processes of Family Health teams with a focus on achieving comprehensiveness of health care and the expansion of health care. access to hard-to-reach regions. It is a documentary analysis of a descriptive nature, which includes from laws and regulations, norms, opinions, letters, memo, personal diaries, autobiographies, newspapers, magazines, speeches, radio and television program scripts to books, statistics and files schoolchildren. The results indicate that there is a need for dynamic flexibility in educational actions, focusing on the needs of the population and regions that host the program to reduce care inequities and favor the strengthening of bonds between staff and users in order to provide comprehensive care . Among the challenges, we can highlight the program's contribution to the reduction of practices segmented by professional categories, subordinated to the (bio)medical figure and knowledge, with limited interprofessional and team-community interaction in the construction of common care and interconstitutive knowledge. However, it could be concluded that the contribution of the doctors of the “Mais Médicos” Program in Brazil, in addition to reducing inequities and expanding access to healthcare for the population, also contributes to the deconstruction of the hegemonic medical model, taking into account the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge for the success of comprehensive health care. In addition, it reiterates the importance of dynamic actions focusing on local and territorial reality for educational strategies, as territories have peculiar characteristics, developing the critical-reflective process of professionals and capable of solving demands in different regions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Reginaldo Nunes de Araújo Júnior, Richardson Lemos de Oliveira, Wilder Kleber Fernandes de Santana, Jessica Ribeiro da Silva, Cristina Brust, Vicente de Paulo dos Anjos Landim, Jorge Agostinho de Farias Junior, Ana Paula Daltro Leal de Paiva, Leiliane Domingues da Silva, Caroline Pinheiro de Araujo Alves, Angélica Cristina Castro Soares, Heberth Almeida de Macedo, Antônio Marcos Dantas Rodrigues, Eliedson Abdenico da Silva Cunha

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Accepted 2022-01-27
Published 2022-02-01