Brazilian Education, National Education Parameters and Quality for Education
New Horizons
Education, National Parameters, TeachingAbstract
Under emergency conditions in the Brazilian educational system, since the turn of the 21st century, the National Curriculum Parameters consist of guidelines elaborated by the Federal Government with the purpose of guiding education, being separated by discipline. It is understood that reflective practice and critical involvement, in the context of extracting recreations in teaching, support debates and the development of teachers' productions and educational projects at the school, encourage reflection not only on pedagogical practice, but also about the planning of classes. Therefore, the objective of this work is to re-discuss, under the spectacles of the dialogic approach, some national parameters of education that govern Brazilian education, considering the expansion and potentializing of studies already carried out on the subject.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Davi Milan, Richardson Lemos de Oliveira, Cristina Brust, Adriana de Menezes , Claudemir Santos de Jesus, Gislaine Schon, João Batista Lucena, Kelly de Souza Nunes Ribeiro, Ramisson Corrêa Ramos, Lúcio Costa de Andrade, Luciana Quagliane Ribeiro, Josiane Cristina Rabac Stahl

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Accepted 2021-11-03
Published 2021-11-01