The letters, teaching and pedagogy of the environment
How to think harmoniously the human-animal-nature relationship
Letters, Environment, Bird depenage, Animal suffering, HarmonyAbstract
The present paper is part of a discursive study in the field of human sciences to rethink the devastating practice of bird depenage in the contemporary world. Our intention is to conduct a research focusing on the large area of Letters, to observe how some practices constitute weight for the regeneration of the environment. Therefore, in what we call the pedagogy of the environment, we propose to discuss what large electronic portals have evidenced about the human action of bird depenage, alerting to the consequences of excessive practice. This manuscript allows dialogue between the fields of knowledge of languages and nature sciences, from data devilgados by the PORTAL ANDA. We focus on critical looks to discuss the depenage of live birds for the human consumption of feathers. All work involves processes of animal suffering and human satisfaction, being possible to reflect, through ecocriticism, how to deal harmoniously with the environment.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Richardson Lemos de Oliveira, Wilder Kleber Fernandes de Santana, Leiliane Domingues da Domingues, Gislaine Schon, Claudemir Santos de Jesus, Adriana de Menezes, João Batista Lucena, Lidiane Dias Reis, Davi Milan, Jucicleide Gomes Acioli, Thelissia Paula de Macedo Rodrigues

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Accepted 2022-01-27
Published 2022-02-01