The Development Of School-Based Professional Learning Models In Malaysian Context
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the school-based professional learning models in Malaysian education setting. This study is conducted at 60 secondary schools in Malaysia where the information is gathered from two phases of data collections by using multi-stage cluster sampling technique. The analysis has been done through three sets of data. The exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis are used to obtain construct validity. Data from the survey is used to test and confirm dimensions expressed in the proposed model. The findings indicate that professional learning model has highly significant effect on the underlying dimensions tested. The source of data collected is Malaysia, hence, the results may not easily generalized to other areas or countries. However, the findings are valuable for school-based professional learning developers`, teachers and teacher educator references. The implications of this study shows that the usage of various professional learning models has important impact toward teachers` development. By creating different types of professional learning models such as action research, professional portfolio, self-directed learning and training that aligned with teachers` needs will ignites and sustains teachers’ excitement for learning, growing and changing their practices.
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