A collaborative Mathematics Learning Using Differentiated Pedagogy


  • Imane Lmati Hassan First University of Settat Morocco




Differentiated pedagogy, Mathematical learning, Exercise


Our contribution represents a new method of learning mathematics by group through the differentiated pedagogy whose goal is to reduce the heterogeneity between learners in the classroom by using their knowledge, skills, and social profile. Indeed, there are different ways to implement a differentiated pedagogy. These methods must be considered by the teacher in order for his rehabilitation to be effective in student learning. Our approach specifically concerns differentiation by situation, it allows students to self-assess, and this to situate their knowledge and skills. In case of difficulty when assessing the learner, the approach uses group learning so that learners interact with each other without using the teacher. In the next works, we wish to integrate into our exerciser platform a module for the interaction of the students in order to discuss the difficulties and share the information between them.


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Author Biography

  • Imane Lmati, Hassan First University of Settat Morocco

    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques.


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How to Cite

Lmati, I. (2022). A collaborative Mathematics Learning Using Differentiated Pedagogy. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(1), 221-230. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol10.iss1.3609
Received 2021-11-26
Accepted 2021-12-31
Published 2022-01-01