The perception of the economic agents on the quality and the control in the certification of wines in Geographical Indications (GIs)


  • Fátima Regina Zan PPGPI/UFS
  • Manuel Luis Tibério Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro University-UTAD
  • Suzana Leitão Russo Universidade Federal de Sergipe-UFS



Geographical Indications, Economic Agents, certification of wines


Since 1992 geographical indications have become a reference for product quality, especially in the food sector in the European Community. The identification of the products with the place of production was a strategy used in antiquity, mainly to identify the origin of the wines, being this the pioneer product. The research was developed in the demarcated wine regions of Portugal. This country is considered the birthplace and the pioneer in the regulation of Geographical Indication (GI). The first demarcated region was that of the Douro, where Port wine is produced. Seals identifying the products of the region demarcated for distribution to producers undergo a certification process, described in the Specification Manuals, formulated according to the rules established in the GI, which each producer must follow. Therefore, the research, sought to identify the process of certification of products originated from Portuguese GIs in Portugal, and the perception of economic agents on the control, good practices and quality, in relation to the distribution and control of certification stamps. The methodology used was field, documentary and bibliographic research by the use of questionnaires. For the economic agents, the quality of the products is satisfactory, not requiring changes taking into account the way in which it is being distributed and controlled.


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Author Biographies

  • Manuel Luis Tibério, Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro University-UTAD


  • Suzana Leitão Russo, Universidade Federal de Sergipe-UFS

    PPGPI-Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science


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How to Cite

Zan, F. R., Tibério, M. L., & Russo, S. L. (2017). The perception of the economic agents on the quality and the control in the certification of wines in Geographical Indications (GIs). International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 5(10), 85-98.

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