Technology Transfer
A Bibliometric Analysis
technology, technology transfer, bibliometric analysisAbstract
In a global context of highly competitive, new technologies have become an indispensable element for companies, the tool normally used to gain such advantage is the transfer of technology. In order to provide an overview of how this issue has been studied by the academic community, this article presents a bibliometric analysis of published studies on the technology transfer in the Scielo and ScienceDirect bases between the years 1973 to 2016. It was concluded the year with more publications on the subject in both bases was in 2013, the journal with the highest number of articles in the Scielo base was the Journal of Technology Management & Innovation with concept Qualis B2, while the Innovation magazine with concept A1 had more items on the base ScienceDirect.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Dimitrius Pablo Sabino Lima de Miranda, Armoni Da Cruz Santos, Suzana Leitão Russo

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