HTML5 Authoring Tool to Support the Teaching-Learning Process
A case study with H5P framework
Authors' Tools, Learning Objects, HyperobjectAbstract
The objective of this experiment report was to describe the development of studies of authorship tools and creation of educational resources carried out in 2017 by 12 students of the Doctoral Course in “Informatics in Education” of the “Anonymous Institution - Details omitted for double-blind reviewing”, 6 students of the Teleducation discipline and 6 students of the discipline of Hyperdocuments as Teaching Material. The impacts of the use of an authoring tool in the teaching-learning process were explored, focusing the analysis in descriptive aspects. It was concluded that the use of H5P contributed to discussions and reflections on authoring tools, also it was possible to establish an effective relationship between theory and practice, and its use proved to be satisfactory as well as promising for the teaching-learning process.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Dauster Souza Pereira, José Valdeni de Lima, Rafaela Ribeiro Jardim, Paulo Santana Rocha, Francisco Euder dos Santos, Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco

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