Analysis of Management in Health and Safety at Work Related to Employees Working in Health Teaching / Research Laboratories in a University
Health, Work safety, SESMTAbstract
The search for always providing the best environment for its employees and students, allowed a university to open its doors for an evaluation regarding issues of health and safety at work, a very controversial topic, which leads many companies to close their doors and not accept this kind of "invasion" in your privacy. In this assessment, it can be seen that it is a favorable working environment for users, as their SESMT always looks for improvements and complies with the legislation, but there were also points to improve.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Vilson Menegon Bristot, Cristina Keiko Yamaguchi, Kristian Madeira, Vilmar Menegon Bristot, Marcelo Leandro de Borba, Márcio Carlos Just, Leopoldo Pedro Guimarães Filho, Jacir Favretto, Suelen Brasil Giordani

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Accepted 2021-03-21
Published 2021-04-01