Analysis of the Causes of Labor Accidents in a Steel Industry in Southern Santa Catarina
Labor activities, Integrity, Scratchs, AccidentAbstract
Over the years, manufacturing industries such as the steel industry have shown a significant increase in their productivity, this growth highlights themes that make up the development framework of this segment. In this context, there is a concern with the preservation of the employee's integrity, generating a state of alert for the risks existing in the production process, and the preventive measures that organizations must put in place to eliminate or minimize these risks, avoiding accidents. For the development of this project, occupational accidents are characterized as those that occur at the service of the company causing bodily injury with temporary leave of the employee. This type of accident is referred to as a typical accident, as they are caused within the work environment and must consider all aspects related to work, such as: the machinery, the task, the environment, the instruction for carrying out the activity and the organization of the work. job. This study aimed to analyze the causes of accidents at work in a steel industry in the south of Santa Catarina, identifying the influencing factors in the causes of accidents, characterizing the types of accidents at work, highlighting the productive sectors and the frequency with which these events occur , indicating possible improvements in the development of work activities. Accident data were collected and analyzed over a 10-year period, demonstrating the nature of the injuries and the agents involved in order to make it possible to reduce the occurrences of accidents in the analyzed productive sectors.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Vilson Menegon Bristot, Kristian Madeira, Leopoldo Pedro Guimarães Filho, Marcelo Leandro de Borba, Cristina Keiko Yamaguchi, Jacir Favretto, Madalena Pereira da Silva, Vilmar Menegon Bristot, Luana Santiago Costa

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Accepted 2020-11-27
Published 2020-12-01