Study of Scientific Production on Production of Wooden Doors
Bibliometric Analysis, Door Manufacture, Forest IndustryAbstract
The forest sector has a significant role for society reaching economic, social and environmental spheres. There is a range of products from reforestation, the most important are raw wood or logs, sawn wood, cellulose, wood panels, biomass and doors. The world door export market alone reached 3.84 billion dollars, considering an interval of ten years, it achieved an average growth of +3,3% per year. With the growing demand and the demand for quality from the external environment makes door manufacturers invest in innovation and studies on the subject. The present work used a bibliometric method in four databases (Scopus, ScienceDirect, Scielo and Mendeley) and articles and publications were searched in conference proceedings until 1996, with the theme of wooden door production, in order to understand what is being disseminated in the academic environment regarding this theme. Data were compiled on the year, authors, journals, countries and database that obtained the most publications. In general, we deduce the low explanation of this content, as few articles were found, the non-appearance of an author who stands out in this theme, in addition to the lack of publications between the years 1999 to 2010 and the lack of studies from China. which in turn is more exporter of this product.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Vilson Menegon Bristot, Mateus Alexandre Floriano, Julio Cesar Cota Alves, Joel Pereira Fernandes, Lucas Fogaça de Sousa, Lilian Tiscoski da Silva, Rodrigo Vieira, Leopoldo Pedro Guimarães Filho, Lenita Agostinetto
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Accepted 2022-08-29
Published 2022-10-01
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