Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship as a teaching strategy


  • Gentil Luiz da Silva II IFAL
  • Juliano Bueno Barbosa da Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil
  • Rafael Rocha da Silva Instituto Federal de Bahia, Brazil
  • Enio Costa Instituto Federal de Ceará, Brazil
  • Rafael Thyago Antonello Instituto Federal de Alagoas, Brazil



innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, learning strategies


In today's times, the amount of information is huge. With this, the speed of transformation also reaches very high levels. With technological advances being humans are being gradually replaced by machines in their daily mechanical functions. Banking self-service providers, supermarkets, and other retail giants evidence these changes daily. In order for the professional to be able to face these new challenges, he must become an innovator by nature. However, this intrinsically human characteristic has been forgotten in the student formation. This work presents the creation of a new movement emerged called inovatisvimo (word in portuguese that means the fusion between three words: Inovação (Innovation), criatividade (creativity) e empreendedorismo (entrepreneurship). Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship will be some of the essential pillars to differentiate us from the machines in the not so distant future. In which innovative, creative and entrepreneurial actions are stimulated and directed towards the students in order to face the challenges that the new world will present.


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Author Biography

  • Juliano Bueno Barbosa da Silva, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil

    Instituto de Química e Biotecnologia


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How to Cite

da Silva II, G. L., da Silva, J. B. B., da Silva, R. R., Costa, E., & Antonello, R. T. (2017). Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship as a teaching strategy. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 5(12), 180-184.